Julie (Colorado) must have put on her ROSE colored glasses to find so many ROSE PETAL TELLIN shells on our iLoveShelling Adventure on Sight Sea-R Cruises trip. And how ’bout those beautiful SHARKS EYES and ALPHABET CONE too?
There were so many different shell and wrack lines to look through since the beach was so wide on Big Hickory Island. Margaret (NC) searched way up high on the beach to find a few treasured SEA PEARLS.
It was really cool to see Russ on our trip again because he always finds such interesting stuff.
He found two little shells that aren’t so easily spotted. The one on the left is a RUSTY DOVE shell and the one on the right is a SPARSE DOVE. I don’t find the RUSTY DOVE all that much so I think thats a really cool find- exshellent!
Kathy and Mark found all sorts of cool treasures…
I’d say this was a pretty awesome day to find that really yellow HORSE CONCH, huge SHARKS EYE, an ANGEL WING, FLORIDA CONE, ROSE TELLIN, perfect WHELKS, WORMIES (!) and if you could only see how beautiful that FIGHTING CONCH is with a spectacsheller purple interior.
Cutie Shellootie Isabela and her gramma Karen (Wisconsin) found all sorts of goodies too.
They both love all of the shells and beach bling too. I have a feeling there will be a really fun shell craft day in their future. Fun! Ohhhhh and especially withthat ROSEATE SPOONBILL FEATHER.
So many happy faces and cool shellers were out with us… like Debbie and Leah from St. Louis.
Once that HORSE CONCH is cleaned up, it will be really fabshellous- it’s such a nice size. And talk about size… that SHARK’S EYE is huge.
Talk about happy! I love this cuteness of Connie from Pine Island with that tiny little perfect SAND DOLLAR. That’s always something to be happy about.
Well, of course there’s WORM SHELLS to be happy about too! Diane wanted to find her first WORM SHELL… and she ended up finding way more than one and an ANGEL WING too. Gotta love those wormies.
There was so much to explore and it was fun sharing it with shellers like Kiva and Doug from Ponce Inlet, FL.
We all found such a variety of different treasures.
I found a few treasures too! Look at these cutie sisters Diane and Marilyn in their i Love Shelling tees and bright shelling gear.
Did you notice that these Kansas City gals Sheila Candace and Toni have their hands up? They are showing off their cutie OLIVE bracelets that Candace made them all for their shelling trip to Florida (CLICK HERE to see bracelet tutorial to make your own). So cute! Oh and do you remember Candace? She is the one who inspired me to find out about that TEXAS LONG HORN BRYOZOA and learn about that cool BEACH BLING.
Thank you Kathy and Charlie (PA) for the blast from the past and wearing your Sanibel Six tees. It was so fun to see y’all.
I have to apologize to some folks since my iPhone camera got a little wacky- it fogged up. Dunno, but I still have to show you Cathy and Pete’s finds even though the pic isn’t great- Im so sorry!
I know the photo isn’t great but the shells and bling were so beautiful, I’m sure you can still appreciate them (?).
Any way, it was a blast of a time out on the water boating to one of the out islands of SW Florida. Thanks for joining me, y’all!
Join me on another iLoveShelling adventure CLICK HERE